Aakash Nihalani, the artist known for his playful masking tape illusions, has just sent word that he's completed a new body of work called Projections. In this exciting new series, cubic designs are projected onto a white wall, becoming an interactive canvas for the viewer. Using coding and motion software, a sensor picks up the viewer's hand movement on the projected design and, in real time, changes the overall look of the piece.
As he describes it, “As with my street installations, these works not only invite human interaction but cannot fully exist without it, ultimately revealing as much of the individual as the piece itself. The viewer has always been an essential element in my street art, bringing the work to life by creating a unique experience for each individual interacting with it. I wanted to explore translating this tangible relationship into a digital one.”
Aakash has created the works in gif form so that we can see them all in action. Watch as the works transform, often revealing bright colors underneath.
The artist has a new show opening at New York's Tripoli Gallery in early June.
Aakash Nihalani's website
All images courtesy of Aakash Nihalani