Black and white is classic and can be quite beautiful, but there's something about a burst of color that has the ability to surge a wide range of emotions. Kansas City-based artist Anne Lindberg works with multicolored thread to create radiant installations that are a feast for the senses. Each site-specific installation uses several miles of thread, whose ends are stapled to the walls of the space. Though the artist doesn't normally maintain a record of her thread use, she kept track of it for one of her pieces titled raume yellow and found that over 25 miles of Egyptian cotton thread was used.
While these series of works seem simple enough in their design, there is a lot of work that goes into it, both physically in the construction and creatively in its design. Lindberg takes each unique space and its light sources into consideration when mapping out her angles, extensions, and lighting, in addition to her color combinations that are absolutely stunning. There is a seamless gradience in the radiating works.
Lindberg's exhibit titled Modal Lines is currently showing at Nevada Museum of Art through July 15, 2012.