You may already be aware that designer Paul Smith has the ultimate creative workspace, but we're going to bet that you've never seen it quite like this. To make this one-of-a-kind portrait, Nottingham, UK-photographer David Baird shot and then meticulously stitched together, over a course of 20 hours, 180 high resolution still images of Smith's office. At GigaPan, you can actually zoom into the incredibly detailed photo see all of Smith's cool collections including his art, books, hats and toys.
Back in 2009, Smith said this about his studio, “My whole life is about being childlike…which means that you have a lateral mind and you're very curious…That's why this room is just full of toys, beautiful books, strange objects, good fun things [from which] you can get great inspiration. Life is about living young, being youthful and enjoying yourself everyday.”
So, just how did the idea for a photo like this come about? Baird tells us that he was inspired by fellow photographers. “I approached the team at Paul Smith with the idea of creating a high resolution photograph of his office using a technique I had previously seen to capture giant panoramic photos of crowds scenes, such as this one of President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address by David Bergman. I had never seen one taken inside and remembered seeing photographs of Paul's office, and the sheer amount of amazing things he had collected over the years, and thought it would lend itself to the technique.”