Technically it's not still life if it's flying in mid-air, is it? Photographer Michael Crichton makes us believe in the magic of photography through his Flying Food series. Using professional lighting equipment and with a little help from Photoshop, he fantastically freezes everyday food – like a bologna sandwich.
“I personally couldn't imagine creating a flowing stream of mustard in CGI,” he told Digital Photo Pro. When we asked him how he made mustard fly he said, “Literally by squeezing it from a container with a narrow mouth. It's the kind of thing that takes some technique, many tries, and lots of patience.”
What was Crichton's main objective in creating this series? “I wanted to experiment with liquids and capturing motion, but the splashes and flying liquids you see associated with many food shots are getting a little tired,” he said. “I wanted to throw some basic and ordinary food, real simple stuff, and try to bring some whimsy or humour to it. I loved the idea of capturing it deconstructed, in mid-air, the moment just before it lands, just before the mess. The tipped tray of food or kitchen disaster really appealed to me.”