When was the last time you shared a wish? Jon Cotner and Claire Hamilton of The Hairpin, walked around the streets of New York City, asking random strangers a single question: “What's your holiday wish?” What's most interesting about this series is the wide-ranging answers that were given. We get an honest glimpse into the minds of people we don't necessarily know, learning about what others value or hope for this world.
Catrina (far right): “I want to stay a kid.”
Alex: “Vacation.”
Joe: “I want everyone with me on December 25th, kids and grandkids.”
Adrian (right): “To get U.S. papers.”
Josie: “A grandchild.”
Darilin (right): “I hope Santa brings me a teddy bear and a laptop.”
Mallory (left): “To get a job.”
Peter: “To have the best honeymoon.”
Trish: “I'm hoping for quality time with my family – which business doesn't always allow.”
Carrie (left): “Romance.”
Conor (right): “I want to have a baby.”
Mike: “I wish everybody could eat great dinners on Christmas night.”
Richard (middle): “World peace.”
via [The Hairpin]