Goodbye 1996 $100 bill, it was nice knowin' ya. The updated $100 bills will begin circulating in February 2011. New high-tech feature? A 3-D blue security ribbon on the front contains images of bells that change to 100s as you tilt the note. Tilt the note back and forth and the images will move side to side. Tilt the note side to side and the images will move up and down. The Liberty bell in the inkwell also changes color from copper to green, which makes it seem to appear and disappear. The ribbon combines micro-printing with tiny lenses: 650,000 for a single $100 bill. The lenses then magnify the micro-printing in a truly remarkable way.
I'm all about updating the $100 dollar bill for security measures but couldn't they have hired someone better for this video? The music sounds patriotic but a bit outdated. Next time, why not let Jay-Z have a go? (Also coming this year: a new design for the $5 bill.) Via USA Today