There are certain iconic figures in pop culture that can be defined simply by their hair. In this minimalist series by graphic designer Patrcia Pvoa, we see some of these legendary coifs that need no introduction. The silhouetted hairstyles stand alone against a radiantly colored backdrop in the Portuguese artist's series titled Copyrighted Famous Hairs.
I have to agree with Pvoa who suggests that these iconic haircuts have copyright privileges. Who could mistake Marge Simpson's tall bumpy updo or Princess Leia's dual-bunned hair for anyone else's? The immediate recognition of these abstracted one-of-a-kind hairdos make it abundantly clear how in tune we all are with pop culture. In fact, just looking through this series, I thought of some other well-known media darlings that have easily recognizable hairstyles – Justin Bieber, The Beatles, Donald Trump, and just about any other Simpsons character. The first to come to mind was actually Conan O'Brien whose Team Coco logo prominently features an orange silhouette of his iconic hair.