These miniature potato installations are absolutely hilarious. Artist Peter Pink, self-described as “a nonsense maker,” has taken the very basic food item and transformed it into a large group of expressive personalities. Potatoes is a series of situations in which the pink-sunglasses-wearing spuds protest with pink flags, fight off large groups of cucumbers, and catch some rays under pink umbrellas on the beach.
Through his food art, the artist experiments with the organic edible forms, allowing the various shapes, sizes, and flaws to naturally define unique personalities. Finding all kinds of characters among the different foods and textures, Pink has continued to pursue this style of art as a way to express his interest in humanity. He says, “My inspiration a lot of the times comes from the need to clown, comment, or question things I don't agree with. Things where everyone around me is like ‘Yeah,' and I'm like ‘Really?' I like asking questions and I see life as something to be curious about, not something I need answers for.”
Peter Pink's website
via [Lustik]