There are things in life that we really want, and there are things in life that we really need. Maryam Toson just sent us this creative which explores this very idea. She titles the refreshingly honest series, “Wants/Needs Project.” “The main purpose of it, was to question people, and yourself, as to what is it that you really WANT and that you really NEED,” says Toson. “Is it the same? Is it different? Do they relate? Or do they have nothing to do with each other. Most people confuse the things they want as something they need.” What I find most intriguing about Toson's series is the sociological aspect behind it. Even though we all may have different skin colors, live in different cities, and were raised in different cultures, our basic wants and needs are all the same. I guess we're really not so different after all…
Wants/Needs Project (12 pieces)
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