
March 31, 2023

Italian Archeologists Created 100 Plaster Casts of Pompeii Victims Petrified in Ash

The volcanic eruption that hit Pompeii in 79 CE destroyed the bustling Roman city and covered it in ash. This ash ultimately preserved the city, which remained untouched until the 19th century, thus giving us the unique opportunity to see what an ancient Roman city looked like. But aside from preserving buildings, the ash also preserved the bodies of the 2,000 people living in Pompeii who were killed when Mount Vesuvius erupted.

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February 2, 2023

Man Solves 20,000-Year-Old Cave Drawings Mystery That’s Been Stumping Archeologists

Early humans, and our now extinct cousins, Neanderthals, have a long artistic history. Ancient cave art began as abstract shapes and handprints; but over thousands of years, it evolved into recognizable sketches of animals and plants. Many of the oldest cave paintings are in Spain and France. These scenes tell archeologists a lot about life in the late Ice Age, particularly about the hunting habits of early humans.

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January 14, 2023

Centuries-Old Ship in Perfect Condition Is Found at the Bottom of Norway’s Largest Lake

While the Earth's surface has been thoroughly mapped, some of the largest bodies of water still hold myriad mysteries, as mapping them is a whole endeavor that can't be done with regular technology like satellites. One of those secrets was unveiled recently when a group of researchers from the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

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December 27, 2022

1,900-Year-Old Snacks Are Found in the Sewers Beneath the Colosseum

Some of the most fascinating archeological discoveries are those that remind us that we're not that different from people who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago. Recently, a group of researchers devoted to unearthing the mysteries of the sewers of the Colosseum found evidence of the snacks that the audiences enjoyed during the sports events and performances that took place there.

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