Oakland-based artist Gabriel Schama creates incredibly intricate, densely layered wood relief sculptures using thin, laser-cut pieces of mahogany plywood. He starts with a vector illustration that is sent to a laser cutter. Lasers carve designs into 1/8-inch sheets of plywood, which are then glued together and varnished. The result is a magnificently textured, mandala-like work of art comprised of ornate layers that twist, overlap, and intersect spectacularly.
The artist was able to create these geometric sculptures thanks to a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign that gave him the funds necessary to purchase his laser cutter, fondly nicknamed “Elsie.” Schama says, “I have long been possessed with a desire to make my work bigger and more intricate at the same time. . . This project is not only the next step forward stylistically, but a means to achieve far more daring and exciting projects.”
To purchase an original piece, check out Schama's online shop.
Gabriel Schama's website
via [Colossal], [Hi-Fructose]