Posts by Katie Hosmer

March 15, 2014

Self-Sustaining Floating City is a Modern Day Noah’s Ark

This floating city is an innovative concept designed to function as a modern day Noah's Ark. The self-sustaining city was developed by Serbia-based Aleksandar Joksimovic and Jelena Nikolic as a means to support life–from humans and animals to fish, plants, and trees–in the case of an extreme natural disaster. The proposal extends urban living out, beyond land, and onto the watery surfaces of the world.

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March 13, 2014

Distorted Landscapes Create Surreal Perspectives of the World

Photographer Randy Scott Slavin creates spherical panoramas that spin the world in all directions. We loved his earlier work and now he is back with more incredibly distorted worlds, entitled Alternative Perspectives 2. Through digital manipulation, Slavin transforms an average landscape into a surreal experience. His expressive compositions feature upside-down buildings, half-circle bridges, water floating in the sky, and trees that bend and curve in unusual ways.

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March 11, 2014

My Modern Shop Spotlight – Miro Simko’s Secluded Moments

Self-taught photographer Miro Simko captures beautiful landscapes and stark black and white moments that are strikingly meditative. In this selection of work, energy emanates from colorful skies; lone trees sit against crisp, snowy white backgrounds; and single cars drive along the twisty curves of an empty highway. Simko's work invites viewers to reflect upon quiet moments of solitude through dramatic contrast, interesting shapes, and geometric lines.

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March 10, 2014

Artist Paints Hyperrealistic Exteriors to Camouflage Food

Japanese artist Hikaru Cho likes to play with perception in this series, entitled It's Not What It Seems. She playfully redefines how an object is perceived by painting the exterior to appear like something other than itself. Using acrylic paints, Cho skillfully changes the outer layer of a banana into a cucumber, an egg into an eggplant, and a tomato into an orange. She first creates a deceptive photograph that documents the disguised foods.

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