
June 18, 2020

Detailed Portraits Are Made by Twisting Single Lengths of Thread Around Thousands of Nails

At first glance, the detailed artwork of London-based Ben Koracevic looks like it's rendered in graphite pencil. However, a closer look reveals that his portraits of people and animals are actually made with string. Using thousands of nails carefully positioned on a blank white canvas, Koracevic spends countless hours meticulously winding long lengths of black string around the metal bolts.

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June 15, 2020

Artist Crafts Incredibly Cute Felted Cats That Look Like Children’s Book Characters

From fuzzy felted fungus to wooly forest creatures, the traditional needle felting technique is becoming more and more popular among crafters of all things cute. Russian artist Elizabeth Delektorskaya is no exception—she creates adorable felt cats that look like they could come to life at any second. With their large, lifelike glass eyes, wispy whiskers, pointed ears, and patterned fur, each unique felted feline looks like a character from a children’s story.

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