
September 13, 2019

15+ Creative Online Classes to Spark Your Imagination This Month

Are you looking to cultivate a new hobby this fall? Online art and photography classes are a great way to start your journey into a creative activity. E-learning sites like Bluprint, CreativeLive, Skillshare, and Creativebug offer thousands of courses taught by industry professionals that share techniques, tips, and tricks for mastering nearly anything. With so many choices, it can be intimidating to know where to start.

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May 10, 2019

15+ Creative Online Classes to Spark Your Imagination This Week

Learning is funโ€“especially when you do it sitting in your pajamas. Getting to this point of engaged relaxation is easier than you think with online art and photography classes. Through subscription sites like Bluprint, Creativebug, and CreativeLive, you can take thousands of classes all from the comfort of your own home and on your own time. Donโ€™t keep this knowledge all to yourselfโ€”share it with others! Do you know who might like creative classes?

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February 15, 2019

15+ Creative Online Classes to Spark Your Imagination This Week

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's important to nurture your interests. One of the best ways to do that is by challenging yourself to learn something new. Doing so is easy when you enroll in online creative classes. With thousands to choose from, they will teach you everything you need to know about the topic of your choice.

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December 7, 2018

15+ Creative Online Classes to Spark Your Imagination This Week

Being on the cusp of the new year, we canโ€™t help but think about whatโ€™s ahead in 2019. During this introspective time, itโ€™s the perfect opportunity to set goals and plan for exactly how to make it all happen come January. Often, our intentions require us to get out of our comfort zone and learn new skills. Luckily, itโ€™s easier than ever to gain expertise in any field thanks to creative online classes.

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