
June 30, 2020

Embroidery Artist Stitches Colorful Insects and Flowers With Painterly Detail

Inspired by “nature, magic, and all things fantastical,” British textile artist Emillie Ferris stitches embroidery designs featuring butterflies, moths, bees, and flowers. She first began embroidering in 2013 and has since developed a style that she calls “needle painting.” Each colorful design is rendered using long and short stitches, similar to paint strokes. The self-taught artist explains, “It is essentially like painting on a canvas, but rather than using paint, you are using thread.

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June 5, 2020

Creative Ways Embroiderers Are Using the French Knot Stitch to Produce Awe-Inspiring Art

There are hundreds of embroidery stitches that you can create by simply using a needle and thread. Some are more basic in technique than others, but all have their charm. Of the stitches suitable for beginners, the French knot is one that is both easy to learn and looks fancier than your average flat stitch. As the name suggests, the French knot is a stitch that forms a tiny ball on the fabric when complete.

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March 21, 2020

15 Boredom-Busting Products That’ll Keep You Entertained Indoors

In times of social distancing (or physical distancing), it can be a struggle to stay entertained when confined to the comfort of your home. After all, there’s only so much TV you can binge-watch before you utter the words you’d never thought you’d say: “I don’t feel like watching Netflix anymore.” To beat your cabin fever, we’ve found a bevy of indoor activities that are perfect for the creatively minded.

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February 12, 2020

Artist Gives New Life to Old Forgotten Photographs With Colorful Hand Embroidery

More and more, contemporary embroiderers are pushing the boundaries of the age-old craft to produce unique hand-stitched pieces. Such is the case for calligrapher and fiber artist Han Cao, who combines her chromatic embroidery with found vintage photographs in her series Forgotten Photos. Although based in Palm Springs, Cao collects black and white and sepia-toned pictures from estate sales, antique stores, and flea markets from around the world.

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