
March 7, 2025

How the Development of the Camera Changed Our World

These days, thanks to smartphones, almost everyone has a camera with them at any given moment. With the resurgence of digital cameras, photographyโ€™s impact on the world is more evident than ever. Rewinding time, before selfies were a cultural norm, before geniuses like Cindy Sherman and Andrea Gursky elevated photography to an art form, someone had to invent this piece of technology. So, who invented the camera?

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February 23, 2025

Discover How Japanese Swordsmiths Transform Sand Into Legendary Katanas

From ukiyo-e prints to origami, Japan boasts an astounding range of traditional artforms. One such artform is swordsmithing, a tedious process in which swords such as the legendary katana are made. What renders their construction so labor-intensive is that these swords are, perhaps counterintuitively, composed of sand. Alongside countries like New Zealand, Indonesia, and the United States, Japan is one of several regions in which iron sand can be found.

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December 22, 2024

Incredible Victorian Voice Recordings Allow Us to Step Into the Past

Thereโ€™s something deeply satisfying about hearing a voice from decades and even centuries past. A new video by Kings and Things featuring authentic voice recordings from the Victorian era accomplishes just that, offering insight into how people from the 19th-century spoke and engaged with the world around them. The video opens with a speech by Colonel George Gouraud for dinner guests on October 5th, 1888, in London.

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