
October 16, 2018

Stunning Photos Capture the Fiery Passion of People in the Ocean

Photographer Joan Carol captures the many moods of the water in his compelling portraiture. The fantastical images feature his subjects in the sea as they are immersed in its swirling beauty. Often, the models engage passionately with one another, but Carol varies the mood and also explores themes of identity and human tenacity. Each piece is visually unified with dramatic lighting and a desaturated color palette.

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October 12, 2018

Photographers Spend 48 Hours Creating the Ultimate Instant Camera

What do you get when you combine instant photos with a high-performance camera? This is what photographer Isaac Blankensmith was trying to answer when he spent two days Frankensteining together something he calls the Hasselblad-Instax. Along with fellow photographer Eddie Cohen, Blankensmith merged a Hasselblad 500C/M and a FujiFilm Instax 9 to create a magical hybrid.

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October 9, 2018

20 Stunning Finalists of the 2018 Architectural Photography Awards

Architectural photographers around the world submitted their best images to the Architectural Photography Awards and now the 20 finalists have been revealed. The competition, which is organized by the World Architecture Festival, attracted entries from 47 countries and the finalists will have their images on display at the WAF in Amsterdam. The five images selected in each of the four categories—Interiors, Exteriors, Buildings in Use, and Sense of Place—highlight the artistry of architectural photography.

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October 4, 2018

Artist Blurs the Line Between Painting and Photography in Thought-Provoking Series

Contemporary artist Casey McKee uses a unique creative process to provide commentary on society and systems of power. Playing with viewer perceptions, his mixed media artwork walks the line between painting and photography. McKee often works in series, as he feels multiple images are the best way to develop his themes. His newest project, titled The Machine Stops, is a surreal voyage in a seemingly far off land.

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