
February 7, 2014

Strips of Film Woven Together to Create Fragmented Photos

Korean artist Seung Hoon Park weaves strips of film together to produce visually intriguing compositions where a fragmented world comes together in complex arrangements. Throughout the series, Textus, his unique approach redefines the typical landscape in mosaic style. To create the unique photographs, Park uses positive 16mm movie film that he cuts into strips and loads into a large format camera.

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February 6, 2014

Little Girl Explores an Orange Color-Themed World

Fine art photographer Adrien Broom is back to continue her fantasy-filled series known as The Color Project with The Orange World. Having first begun the project with the intent of creating an eight-part exploration of the world of color as seen through the eyes of a little girl (starting with white, red, yellow, and blue), she resumes the immersive narrative with the warm glow of orange.

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February 6, 2014

Controversial Messages from Creationists to Evolutionists

Matt Stopera of BuzzFeed recently attended the debates between science educator Bill Nye (The Science Guy) and Christian author Ken Ham about the controversial topic of evolutionism vs creationism. While there, he asked a number of self-described creationists from the event's audience to write messages or questions they have for people who believe in evolution.

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February 5, 2014

Inspirational Surgeon Operates from Stand-Up Wheelchair

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ted Rummel was devastated with the news of a blood-filled cyst on his spine in 2010 that would eventually burst and lead to his paralyzation from the waist down. Despite the complications, however, the dedicated doctor has managed to find a way to continue working in the operating room through the use of an electric stand-up wheelchair.

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