Posts by Noel Kat

March 2, 2014

Fields of Black Paper Flowers Create a Striking Landscape

In Lauren Fensterstock's installation work, oceans of black grass flow from room to room and ebony flowers thrive in an unnatural lushness. The artist uses jet-black paper to create dark and expansive site-specific landscapes, thick with flowers, reeds, tendrils, and vines. By doing so, she adds an artificiality to the seemingly natural environment. Fensterdstock challenges the norm in her work.

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February 10, 2014

Brilliant Three-Dimesional Mural by Street Artist Vesod

Beautiful, high contrast figures full of staggered motion and bright geometric abstractions characterize the fantastic street art of Vesod. Influenced by his artist father and the early 20th century Italian movement Futurism, Vesod skillfully applies layers of opaque paint to create remarkable three-dimensional geometric objects and elegant figures with a unique and expressive sense of movement.

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February 9, 2014

Long Exposure Photos of Japanese Cherry Blossoms at Night

We have featured photographs of the cherry blossoms trees in Taiwan and every year there is a flood of photos as thousands of Americans flock to Washington DC to see the cherry blossoms bloom on the National Mall, but these new images by a Japanese photographer known only as Arixxx are particularly delightful. With a long exposure, Arixxx captures the trails of light left by the headlights and taillights of passing traffic in Hitachi, Japan.

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February 6, 2014

Breathtaking Black & White Animal Portraits by Lukas Holas

โ€œAnimals are a matter of my heart.โ€ These seven words are the only description Czech photographer Lukas Holas provides for his outstanding series entitled Portraits of Animals. His love and admiration for animals radiates clearly through each and every powerful close-up. Shot in simple, but elegant black and white, the portraits showcase each animal's individuality.

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