
February 7, 2014

Unique Ultraviolet Portraits Reveal Beauty within Flaws

Brooklyn-based photographer Cara Phillips developed this intriguing portrait project that uses ultraviolet light to reveal every tiny little imperfection across a person's face. To produce the black and white series, the artist set up on the streets of New York with a sign that said “Free Portraits.” Any willing participants agreed to sit down right there and have their photo taken underneath a UV light.

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February 6, 2014

The 2014 Sony World Photography Awards Shortlist

The World Photography Organization has just recently announced the shortlist for the 2014 Sony World Photography Awards Shortlist. The annual contemporary photography competition includes entries from professionals and amateurs covering a variety of subjects. Competitors enter into one of three divisions–Professional, Open, Youth–and from there, the submitted photos are categorized according to content.

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February 6, 2014

Breathtaking Black & White Animal Portraits by Lukas Holas

“Animals are a matter of my heart.” These seven words are the only description Czech photographer Lukas Holas provides for his outstanding series entitled Portraits of Animals. His love and admiration for animals radiates clearly through each and every powerful close-up. Shot in simple, but elegant black and white, the portraits showcase each animal's individuality.

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February 4, 2014

Tiny Tony Montana Gets Overly Excited at the Sight of Flour

Tumblr artist VSE OK continues to hilariously recreate mini scenes with toys of iconic characters and real-life objects. This time, he features Scarface‘s Tony Montana coming across a package filled with a mysterious “white powder.” The tiny drug lord rips into the sack and proceeds to dunk his whole face into the bleached dust. To his dismay, mini Montana comes to the realization that the presumed drug is actually just flour.

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