Portrait Photography

January 16, 2018

Photographer Analyzes His Subjectsโ€™ Brains to Reveal How They Really Want to Look

It's no secret that we'd all like to change at least one thing about our appearance. No matter how much we might accept ourselves, flaws and all, there is probably something that we wish we could โ€œcorrect.โ€ Photographer Scott Chasserot is making this wish come to life in his project called Original Ideal. Combining portrait photography with neuroscience, the endeavor โ€œisolates the subjectsโ€™ ideal self-imageโ€ by analyzing their brain waves.

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January 3, 2018

Photographer Uses IKEA Products to Create Costumes for Rembrandt-Inspired Photo Shoot

With some ingenuity and inspiration from the past, Norwegian photographer Stig Hรฅvard Dirdal created a memorable Christmas greeting for local clients, Stavanger Foto. Dirdal had worked with the small camera shop, located on the west coast of Norway, in 2015 to create a clever holiday card that went viral, but this year he turned to a master of classical paintingโ€”Rembrandtโ€”for inspiration.

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November 16, 2017

89-Year-Old Photographer Pokes Fun at Herself in Silly Self-Portraits

Learning something new can be challenging, but sometimes, it can take you places youโ€™d never imagine. Kimiko Nishimoto was 72 years old when she picked up a camera, and itโ€™s transformed her life over the past 17 years. Now at 89, she's enjoying wide-spread attention for her creative self-portrait photography. Nishimoto pokes fun at herself through her bizarre compositions.

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