
November 17, 2021

Clever Urban Planning May Protect the Cognitive Health of Aging Populations

Declining cognitive function is a serious concern facing aging populations. American demographics have been steadily aging—by 2050, 90 million American adults will be over 65, almost twice the current population of seniors. As Americans age, protecting cognitive function will become an even more important concern. A new study suggests that the neighborhoods seniors live in can help preserve functioning—a finding which could impact future urban planning and social policy.

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October 23, 2021

Finnish Daycares Built Their Own “Forests” and It Helped Boost Children’s Immune Systems

Back in the day, kids played in the dirt and had a grand old time. This classic point of nostalgia isn't just childrearing advice, it may have a positive impact on young immune systems. A study from the University of Helsinki published in Science Advances found that children in daycares in Finland had more diverse, healthy microbiomes after playing regularly in a forest-like area. The study followed children ages three to five across 10 daycares.

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October 15, 2021

Study Suggests Taking 7,000 Steps a Day for Health Benefits

It has often been said that 10,000 steps a day is good for your health. However, this number of steps can be difficult to achieve with busy schedules or if one has not been walking regularly. While any steps are good steps, a new study published by JAMA Network in Nutrition, Obesity, and Exercise suggests that the threshold of 7,000 steps brings with it significant health benefits.

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