
September 22, 2023

Linguists Discover “Miami English” as New Language Dialect Thriving in Southern Florida

All languages have nuances. Though we may study grammar and vocabulary in school, languages are not set in stone—they are alive. It's this evolving quality that allows us to build new terms that best express our current reality or add new meanings to the words we already have. This mutation of speech goes even further, constructing new dialects as a result of an ever-changing society.

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September 9, 2023

A Crashed Lunar Lander Might Have Brought a Colony of Microscopic “Water Bears” to the Moon

Humans have long dreamed about setting up shop on the moon and establishing thriving colonies. But it turns out, a different species may have beaten us to it, and all because of an accident. In 2019, the Israel Aerospace Industries sent the Beresheet probe to the Moon, which was carrying thousands of tardigrades, or microscopic “water bears.” Unfortunately, the scientists lost control of the lander, and Beresheet crashed into the surface.

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September 7, 2023

Upcoming “Ring of Fire” Annular Solar Eclipse Will Be Broadcast by NASA

Solar eclipses are epic, sometimes once-in-a-lifetime astronomical events. As such, wouldn't it be cool if they got exciting trailers like summer blockbusters do? Well, now NASA has released a trailer for their broadcast of the annular solar eclipse happening in a few weeks, and the footage will surely get you excited about this celestial event. The annular solar eclipse will take place on October 14, 2023.

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