
April 26, 2023

Maine Mineral Museum Is Offering a $25K Reward for a Lost Meteorite

Meteorites are fascinating. These space rocks plummet through our atmosphere, burning away, and often shatter on impact. The remaining rock can hold materials not found on Earth and even early evidence of the beginnings of life in the universe. For all they can teach us, finding and properly collecting meteorites is critical to astronomy and other scientific fields.

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April 14, 2023

Supermassive Black Hole Speeding Through Universe Is Creating Stars

Black holes are famous for their gravitational power. The celestial phenomenon draws in matter with a powerful gravitational force through a process called accretion. This powerful force can even destroy stars by ripping them apart. NASA has recently discovered a surprising twist on this classic narrative. A supermassive black hole, ejected from its own galaxy, has been streaking across the universe, actually forming stars in its wake.

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