
December 21, 2023

Watch a Group of Dolphins Swimming in Bioluminescent Waters off the Coast of California

Marine bioluminescence enhances beautiful nature scenes with its blue glow. And while it has mostly been photographed as a blue light that sways with the waves, it is natural phenomenon that also moves along with the creatures that call the ocean home. A video by Newport Coastal Adventure shows a group of dolphins in bioluminescent water, lighting up the dark ocean as they swim.

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December 13, 2023

Kind Strangers Send 64 Pairs of Tiny Shoes to Chicken With Missing Toes So He Can Walk Around Easier

Some owners accessorize their pets to protect them from the elements or to simply add a little style to their look. But for a chicken named Nubz and his human, Meesh Davignon, the tiny shoes he wears around his home are so much more. After the chicken lost his toes, Davignon noticed he had trouble walking on hard surfaces. She wondered if giving him a pair of little dog boots would make a difference.

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December 5, 2023

Woman Has Been Best Friends With Her 175-Pound African Tortoise for 22 Years

Bringing an animal into your life is a longterm commitment. But along with the responsibility is the possibility of an incomparably love and a long-lasting bond. One woman named Caitlin Doran has shared a special 22-year friendship with her pet tortoise named Tiptoe, and shows what their daily livea together looks like with her thousands of followers.

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November 30, 2023

108-Year-Old Woman Credits Having “Dogs, Not Kids” as Her Secret to a Long Life

Making it to a 100 years old is no easy feat, and as a society, we're lucky that those folks are still with us to share their stories and wisdom with us. But how does one make it that far? Some say it's exercise, others credit a healthy diet. But for Ada Daniel, who lived to be 108 years old, the secret to a long life is to have dogs instead of children.

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