
March 11, 2013

Incredible Photos of the Beautiful Glasswinged Butterfly

Have you ever seen a glasswinged butterfly (Greta oto)? You might think that this creature is a figment of one's imagination, perhaps a Photoshopped composite shot of a butterfly blending into a serene setting, but the truth is that it exists! The aptly named insect is a brush-footed (or four-footed) butterfly whose wings appear to be made of glass, though they're not.

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January 2, 2013

Can You Spot These Camouflaged Animals?

Giraffe Wildlife photographers are used to camouflaging into their environment in order to capture the beautiful creatures that roam this planet without disrupting them. It's best to catch images of animals in their natural element, though this can be rather difficult given their elusive nature.

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December 18, 2012

Incredible Shots of the Exotic Peacock Spider

On a walk around the bush in Australia, entomologist Jurgen Otto came across a tiny insect he'd never come in contact with before–the Peacock Spider. The scientist says, “When I came to Sydney I was a bit bored because there wasn't enough to photograph but now I don't want to live anywhere else. I think it's probably the most beautiful spider in the world.

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November 2, 2012

Incredibly Charismatic Animal Portraits by Tim Flach

More Than Human is a series of images in which photographer Tim Flach highlights the physical characteristics of a variety of animal subjects. Each portrait is just oozing with personality and distinct, untamed qualities. As Flach says, “Animated by telling gestures, these photographs place us in an intimate relationship with their protagonist.

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