
September 24, 2021

Giant Violin Floats Along Venice’s Grand Canal to Celebrate the Rebirth of Art, Music, and Culture

Venetian artist Livio de Marchi has spent his life combining his woodworking skills with his imagination to create incredible sculptures. With Noah's Violin, he is marking life post-lockdown by creating a giant violin to float through the city's canals. Symbolizing the rebirth of art, music, and culture in a new era, the violin set sail along the Grand Canal with musicians aboard who performed Vivaldi.

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September 22, 2021

8 of the Greatest Easels That Painters of All Kinds Love To Use

There are just some things that you need as a painter. Pigment and brushes are essential, of course, as is a canvas and palette, but don't forget about the easel. Although this frame might feel like an afterthought, an easel will be your greatest companion as you put in the hours to paint. An easel has many benefits, perhaps the most important being the way in which it displays your work.

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September 21, 2021

Create Amazing Doodles With These Unusual Chalk Pieces

Creating chalk doodles on the sidewalk is a great way for kids to be creative while outdoors. And while a normal set of chalk works great, why not test their imagination with some unusual pieces? Designer Nikolas Bentel has created a line of artistic chalk that children are sure to love. Moon Chalk in Cosmic Pollen is an unusual tactile utensil that is shaped like a palm-sized sphere with easy-to-grasp protruding bulbs.

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