Graphic Design

April 16, 2015

Clever Pictogram Movie Posters Summarize an Entire Movie in Two Frames

Sweden-based graphic designer Viktor Hertz (of pictogram movie posters and honest logos) has just released his latest project on Kickstarter. The two-frame pictogram movie poster series takes some of your favorite films, like Star Wars, Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction, and turns them into clever before and after-style illustrations. “Think of it as an extremely short film, summarizing the story and visualizing the changes the characters go through,” he states.

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March 27, 2013

New GIFs Help Newcomers Navigate NYC

Artist Nathan Pyle knows a thing or two about living in New York City…or at least adjusting to it. Almost five years ago, he moved from the small suburbs of Dayton, Ohio to the great big city. Throughout the years he's learned a lot of lessons about living there and he's now sharing them in his brand new series, “NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette.

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