Like artists Paul DeSomma and Marsha Blaker, Denise Romecki finds inspiration for her sculptures in cresting waves. The big difference is that, while DeSomma and Blaker work with glass, Romecki creates her original pieces using stoneware clay. Requiring at least two kiln firings, her ceramic sculptures resemble beautifully rising white-capped waves that have been stunningly frozen in time.
The central Ohio-based artist is a graduate of the Columbus College of Art and Design, with a master's degree in fine arts from Ohio State University. Currently she teaches ceramics and sculpture at the Columbus Cultural Arts Center. Her works are all centered around the mystery and beauty of nature.
Here is her artist statement from Abstract Earth: “Natural clay as a raw material is a gift of the earth. Clay sculpture is a means to honor that gift. My artwork has always been inspired by the natural world of forests, plants, rocks, oceans, and animals. Attracted by the infinite shapes, colors, and textures they have to offer and the inner affect that they have on our souls. But where does man fit in, how have we helped or hindered the natural order of things? I continue to reflect on this subject and draw on the ancient beliefs of many of the American Indians; that all things have a spirit and deserve our respect.”