Aren't we all surprised when two people we know, from different groups, just happen to be friends? Take that to the nth degree and you have the fascinating new Tumblr blog, Awesome People Hanging Out Together. Individually, these A-list actors, musicians, politicians, and businessmen are stars in their own right, but put them together and suddenly these candid shots, of two or more celebrities hanging out, become all that more epic.
Here are our favorite pics from Awesome People Hanging Out Together.
Paul Newman and Robert Redford
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding and Harvey Firestone
The Beatles and Mohammad Ali
Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton
Dean Martin, Shirley MacLaine and Elvis Presley
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
George Harrison and Bob Marley
Bob Dylan and Muhammad Ali
Madonna, Sting and 2Pac
Michael Jackson and Steven Tyler
Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood
Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly
Bruce Springsteen and Michael Jackson
Elizabeth Taylor & Princess Diana
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