Through amazing digital editing techniques, American artist and professor Dennis Hlynsky turns an average video of flying birds into a surreal experience of shapes forming overhead. The Rhode Island-based artist first films the movements of various animals that swim, crawl, and fly in spectacular formations. He then selectively stacks frames together to visually convey the long trails of motion.
Black streaks across the sky show the flowing curls and curved motions of starlings, vultures, swallows, and pigeons. Viewers are invited to not only witness the rapidly moving flocks, but also to appreciate the natural patterns in which animals travel. “I do not use time lapse in the traditional sense of the word but offer a glimpse, seconds long, of the paths these creatures take,” explains Hlynsky, “I find each ‘flock' has a form, a rhythm, and pattern to the glyphs they leave as they perambulate.”
Dennis Hlynsky
via [Colossal]