Since Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg first coined the term “cinemagraph” in early 2011, the artistic medium has taken the internet by storm, captivating viewers everywhere with its subtle beauty. Strasbourg, France-based freelancer Julien Douvier proves particularly adept at creating mesmerizing cinemagraphs, bringing still images to life in stunning, animated GIF form.
Douvier's cinemagraphs capture everyday scenes found in nature and the city, transforming ordinary moments into breathtaking slices of time that loop endlessly. Small, isolated movements stand out strikingly against the stillness that pervades the rest of the frame. Whether the motion is contained in ripples of water, smoke blowing from a chimney, or a train rushing past, each animated photograph embodies a sense of tranquility and refinement, reminding viewers of the exquisite beauty found in our world.
Julien Douvier's website
Julien Douvier on Behance
Julien Douvier on Tumblr
via [etoday]