Alessandro Puccinelli loves the ocean and, as an artist, he has dedicated much of his time to the study of this natural beast, a force filled with combinations of powerful energy and very still, calm tides. To capture the chaotic movements of the waves as they crash against rocks and land, Puccinelli climbs up to high points, cliffs, and lighthouses to gain close access to the water. By eliminating any surrounding land within his camera frame, the artist encourages his viewers to experience feelings of isolation in an infinite sea of swirling winds and sea water. Intersections is a series of images in which the motion of waves and the dark skies are blurred into a powerfully abstract moment when Puccinelli says, “The fury of the ocean seems to take a breath before inexorably and inevitably starting again with the next wave.”
When explaining his passion for the sea, the photographer says, “To some extent the sea is my guide through life; I think of the sea as an example and a source of knowledge. The presence of the ocean in my everyday life is a balancing factor that helps me reconnect with that internal equilibrium which, as a human being, I too easily, lose. The sea brings me clarity of thought, its waves, as described by Jack London, are ‘the knights of the infinite sea army,' bearing simplicity, elegance, power and freedom.”