
September 27, 2017

Incredible Macro Photos Highlight Colorful Details of Peacock Feathers

Turkish photographer Can Tunçer has been practicing macro photography for about 7 years, and recently turned his lenses onto a new subject—peacock feathers. Using three different lenses at 10x, 5x, and 3.7x magnification, he explores the colorful beauty of these incredible feathers, which have inspired artists and designers for centuries. Over a two-week period, Tunçer took over 1,500 images, which were combined into the final images using a focus stacking technique.

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September 11, 2017

Southwest Airlines Rescues Orphaned Pets From Hurricane Harvey, Flies Them to Safety

During Hurricane Harvey, animal shelters and rescue organizations sprawled across Texas were saddened—but not surprised—to discover that many pets had become lost, displaced, or even abandoned during the disaster. With most shelters already at full capacity, it was unclear where these poor potential pets would end up. Fortunately, however, thanks to a compassionate collaboration between Southwest Airlines and Helen Woodward Animal Shelter, the future of these orphaned animals is a bit more clear. Prior to the storm, non-profit organization Operation Pets Alive!

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August 30, 2017

Expressive Portraits Highlight the Overlooked Beauty of Black Shelter Dogs

In her eye-opening project, Overlooked Black Dogs, animal photographer Shaina Fishman shares striking portraits of dark rescue dogs. Featuring a range of adorable and adoptable canines, the series aims to accentuate the subjects' distinctive beauty and put an end to black dog syndrome. In the emotive collection of portraits, Fishman skillfully captures both the delightful appearance and unique personality of each dog. As they pose against a black backdrop, the dogs are perfectly illuminated, drawing attention to their lustrous fur and expressive eyes.

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