
October 2, 2022

Artist Compresses Classical Sculptures Into Small Marble Cubes

Artist Adam Parker Smith runs classical sculpture through a trash compactor in his new series of works titled Crush. The six sculptures take well-known classical forms and squish them into one cubic meter. The result is a bizarre collection that is, for lovers of Western art, recognizable but still something totally new. The sculptures continue Smith's investigation into the legitimacy of classical forms and touch upon his experiences with classical art while living in Rome.

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September 25, 2022

Incredible Rock Paintings Imagine Furry Creatures as Palm-Sized Pets

Painting is typically seen on canvas, panel, or wood. But not in the case of Japanese artist Akie Nakata. She applies her masterful skills to rocks, resulting in 3D paintings that fit in the palm of her hand. From cats and dogs to birds and even tigers, she magically transforms smooth stones into adorable animals. The key to this craft is using the natural shape of the rock as a guide.

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September 21, 2022

14 Illustrated Mental Health Facts That Educate While Breaking the Stigmas Surrounding It

Illustrator and author Holly Chisholm is using her creative skills as a way to help others feel less alone. She has created illustrative visualizations of mental health statistics, selecting 14 important facts that are enhanced by her charming artwork. In pairing the colorful images with research and stats, she is hoping to educate her audience while dismantling the stigma around mental health.

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September 18, 2022

Ethereal Figures Emerge From Fragmented Metallic Backgrounds

Ethereal female figures emerge from metallic backgrounds in the striking paintings of Aiden Kringen. The California-based artist frames grayscale renderings of women with “shattered” pieces of gold, silver, and copper to create kaleidoscopic compositions that evoke a sense of mystery. The fragmented technique used in the background is juxtaposed with the realistic approach used to make the human figures. This unexpected combination imbues the paintings with energetic tension.

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