
September 21, 2021

Lebanese American Photographer Captures the Universal Experience of Womanhood [Interview]

Lebanese American photographer Rania Matar is known for her intimate portraits of women. Specifically, she spends time focusing on young women in the United States and her native country, Lebanon, and creates new narratives that show their strength, beauty, and independence. With her new book titled She, published by Radius Books, Matar follows women in their 20s, showing them as they grow into adulthood and make the world their own.

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July 22, 2021

Delicate Fabric Sculptures Inspired by the Small Wonders Found in Nature [Interview]

Enthralled by fabric and guided by her intuition, artist Mariko Kusumoto creates sculptures inspired by the things that fascinate her. The pieces, sometimes wearable, often revolve around the ocean, and marine inhabitants—such as coral—inspire the forms. They pair perfectly with the softness and translucent qualities of fabric; the pieces have a billowy quality to them as if they could be under the sea. Kusumoto has been working with fabric for the last eight years.

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June 15, 2021

Talented Artist Turns Pencils Into Tiny Works of Art [Interview]

Pencils are one of the most basic art supplies, used for a variety of tasks ranging from making preliminary sketches to producing incredibly detailed drawings. However, Bosnian artist Jasenko Đorđević takes pencil art to new heights with his intricate pencil lead sculptures. Transforming each pencil from a mere art-making tool into a masterpiece in its own right, he meticulously crafts each piece using the fragile graphite core as his canvas.

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May 19, 2021

Marine Biologist’s Blackwater Photos Uncover Hidden Ocean Creatures [Interview]

Marine biologist and photographer Jeff Milisen loves exploring the unknown. From his home in Kona, Hawaii to the waters of Papua New Guinea, he leaves no underwater territory unturned. Milisen is a pioneer of blackwater photography and is fueled by the desire to document the vast array of microscopic plankton and sea creatures that inhabit our oceans. Blackwater photography is done during a deepwater night dive over the open ocean.

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