
July 1, 2019

Download 130-Year-Old Watercolors of Newly Discovered Fruits of the Time

In 1886, the United States Department of Agriculture undertook a particularly ambitious project. With the help of a handful of watercolor artists, the 24-year-old organization sought to document thousands of newly-discovered fruits and nuts, culminating in a one-of-a-kind botanical resource. Known as the Pomological Watercolors, this compilation of artwork features fruit and nut varieties from 29 countries and 51 U.S. states and territories.

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June 21, 2019

How Artists Use Negative Space to Say a Lot with Nothing

There’s never a positive without a negative, and the same can be said in art. Positive space and negative space work together to achieve balance in a composition. Without them, a work might overwhelm the eye or not activate the layout at all (how dull!). To ensure that a drawing or painting is in equilibrium, you must always remember to plan the areas of negative space as much as you do the active space.

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May 31, 2019

Download Over 91,000 Maps from the World’s Largest Private Collection

Map lovers will be thrilled by the possibility to peruse some of the world's most unique historic maps. Over 91,000 maps from the exhaustive David Rumsey Map Collection have been placed online for the world to view and download, making it a treasure trove of information related to cartography. The collection, which was started over 30 years ago, is now housed at Stanford University.

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