
March 30, 2022

Photographer Uses 2 Million Photos to Produce GIF Showing Moon’s Movement

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy spent a month chasing the Moon in order to create a gif that shows the beauty of its movement. Using over 2 million individual photos, he put together a spectacular look at how it “dances in the sky.” This dance is called libration and it's the result of the Moon's slightly tilted axis and elliptical orbit around Earth.

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March 21, 2022

Three Russian Cosmonauts Show Up at ISS With Bold Uniforms in Ukrainian Flag Colors

It appears that three cosmonauts arriving at the International Space Station just made a big statement. As the hatch opened and the new arrivals were greeted warmly by their international colleagues, it was impossible not to notice what Denis Matveyev, Oleg Artemyev, and Sergey Korsakov were wearing. Instead of the standard plain blue Russian uniform, they were decked out in bright yellow suits with blue trim that looked suspiciously like the Ukrainian flag.

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February 18, 2022

The Doomsday Vault Is Opening Its Doors for Some New Types of Seeds

Lots of people have thought about the apocalypse, including what they might eat when society or the environment collapses. While preppers stock up on canned goods, scientists have a different idea—they're storing seeds. Banking seeds is both a present safeguard of biodiversity and a last-ditch hope for humanity's food sources should the worst come to pass.

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February 8, 2022

Out-of-This-World Winners of the ASTRO2021 Photo Contest

Astrophotographers from 30 nations entered their best work into the inaugural photo competition from the Save a Star non-profit. ASTRO2021 is an extension of the group's mission to save the night sky from light pollution. The collection of winning photos certainly makes a great case for keeping our night skies clear and visible. Australian photographer Andy Campbell was awarded the title of Astronomy Photographer of 2021.

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