
July 11, 2016

Musician Who Receives Suicide Survivor Notes From Fans Tattoos Their Names on His Arm

The relationship between a musician and their fans is a sacred oneโ€”the artist pours his/her heart and soul into lyrics that are felt on a deep, emotional level. Often, this is the extent of this symbiotic relationship, but Canadian musician Robb Nash goes a step further and uses his influence to talk to young fans about suicide, addiction, and mental health.

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June 3, 2016

Minimalist Tattoos Mimic the Graceful Fluidity of Brush Strokes

Artist Lee Stewart creates minimalist tattoos that beautifully capture the fluid gesture of a brushstroke. The resemblance of this artful motion is impressively realistic, and she articulates the long, graceful lines in the same way that a wet paintbrush touches paper. Like the real thing, they have variation in weight and texture with parts of a single line appearing both light and heavy handed.

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May 24, 2016

Airbrush Artist Applies Temporary Tattoos onto Sick Kids to Boost Their Self Esteem

A great tattooโ€”even a temporary oneโ€”can improve your self-confidence and encourage you to see your body in a whole new light. For kids, especially those suffering from severe illness, this type of non-permanent body art gives them a much-needed self-esteem boost. New Zealand-based artist Benjamin Lloyd is helping to facilitate their positive outlook by airbrushing intricate custom tattoos on their arms and torsos.

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