14 Companion Plants That Should Always Be Planted Next to Each Other

rose garlic companion plants

Image credit: Glenn Harris/Siv Andersson

You may think that sunlight, soil, and water are all that a garden needs to flourish, but did you know that plants also thrive on companionship? While you won't find your flowers socializing, sowing certain types of seeds in pairs has been scientifically proven to culminate in healthier and happier greens. Endearingly known as companion plants, these perfectly matched duos help each other grow, bloom, and blossom.

In the wonderful world of companion plants, opposites attract. In each pair, the plants benefit each other in unique and seemingly serendipitous ways. Tall flowers, like cleome, often provide the perfect amount of shade for ground-dwelling plants, like cabbage. Similarly, sturdy plants, like corn, physically support delicate vines, like those belonging to beans. Many botanical species also ward off the pests of another, like marigolds and melons, roses and garlic, and cucumbers and nasturtiums. Likewise, some types of vegetation attract insects that will actually help their neighbors grow, like potatoes and sweet alyssum as well as cauliflower and dwarf zinnias.

Even if you don't have a green thumb, if you explore companion planting, you're sure to reap the rewards of strategic gardening!

Here are some classic pairs of companion plants:

Cabbage and Cleome

cabbage cleome companion plants

Image credit: Lucy Hordern/Susan Chaffin

Towering flowers, such as cleome, provide the perfect amount of dappled shade for the ground-dwelling cabbage plants.


Corn and Beans

corn beans companion plants

Image credit: Paul (Stokpik)/clutterandkindle

The winding vines of beans love to inch their way up the study corn stalks. Additionally, the bean plants attract insects that help to control corn pests.


Melons and Marigolds

melon marigolds companion plants

Image credit: Sarah Searle/Stephenie O'Callaghan

Marigolds help to repel nematodes—potentially parasitic worms—that love to infest melon roots.


Roses and Garlic

rose garlic companion plants

Image credit: Madhusanka Liyanage/Jane Dent

Garlic deters potential pests, like aphids, ants, and snails, that may harm the beautiful roses.


Cucumbers and Nasturtiums

cucumber nasturtium companion plants

Image credit: Jim Capaldi/Dawn Houghtaling-Montague

Nasturtiums, flowering plants, keep numerous types of cucumber-loving beetles and spiders at bay.


Potatoes and Sweet Alyssum

potatoes sweet alyssum companion plants

Image credit: Tina Garrison and PietervH

The teeny flowers of the sweet alyssum lure beneficial bugs, including predatory wasps that prey upon potential potato pests.


Cauliflower and Dwarf Zinnias

cauliflower dwarf zinnias companion plants

Image credit: Mike Mozart/Mike Webster

Ladybugs love the sweet nectar of the dwarf zinnia. Ladybugs help to protect cauliflower by munching on harmful aphids.


Time to get gardening!

h/t: [NeatoramaRodale's Organic Life]

Kelly Richman-Abdou

Kelly Richman-Abdou is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. An art historian living in Paris, Kelly was born and raised in San Francisco and holds a BA in Art History from the University of San Francisco and an MA in Art and Museum Studies from Georgetown University. When she’s not writing, you can find Kelly wandering around Paris, whether she’s leading a tour (as a guide, she has been interviewed by BBC World News America and France 24) or simply taking a stroll with her husband and two tiny daughters.
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