Photo: ENCRIER/Depositphotos
Paris is famous for its architecture, art, fashion, and food. For locals, life involves much more mundane aspects of the urban center, such as long commutes and errands. These can be done by car, moped, bike, or public transport. A recent study and subsequent report by L’Institut Paris Région, released in April 2024, suggests the Parisian commute is becoming more eco-friendly. The most recent numbers demonstrate that cyclists now dominate the Parisian streets, sidelining emission-producing cars in city life. The research was desired by academics, corporations, and government alike.
Paris is a bustling city, especially when considering the larger metropolitan and suburban areas in what is known as Île-de-France. Monday to Friday, 34.5 million trips occur within this region. About 39% of trips in the region are work-related, and 40% are people traveling between their own communities and those surrounding them. The researchers tracked these patterns using GPS trackers. Over the period between October 2022 and April 2023; 3,337 Parisians between the ages of 16 and 80 years old volunteered to tote trackers as they bopped around the region for seven days. The resulting data was uplifting for environmentalists and advocates for carless cities.
The data showed that cars remain important commuting vehicles for those who live in the suburbs, more far flung from workplaces and metro stops. But, the report notes in contrast, “[C]ycling clearly established itself in Paris (30% of bicycle trips in Île-de-France are made by Parisians). Parisians use bicycles more than cars.” It is thought that this rise in bicycle use since data collected five years ago reflects wider availability of bike lanes. Paris under its current mayor, Anne Hidalgo, has cut parking, expanded bike lanes, and eliminated cars from certain city streets. Less cars in cities isn't just good for the wider environment, it also helps promote better air quality in the city itself (although cyclists should consider the existing air quality). Also worth remembering: biking is exercise. So there are personal health benefits to this as well. Cities around Europe are considering how to promote cycling logistics to further promote this mode of transport.
In recent tallies, cyclists now dominate the Parisian streets, replacing emission-producing cars.

Photo: ARTAVET/Depositphotos
h/t: [Forbes]
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