December 4, 2015

Elegant Glassware Modeled After Star Wars Planets, Moon, and Death Star

With the highly-anticipated release of the newest Star Wars film, fans of the franchise are looking to celebrate their excitement with appropriately-themed accessories. ThinkGeek has created a product perfect for the Star Wars lover that enjoys entertaining–it's a Planetary Glassware Set, which features: four planets (Alderaan, Dagobah, Hoth, and Tatooine); one moon (Endor); as well as the famed Death Star.

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December 4, 2015

Charming Illustrations Highlight True Love in All of Life’s Little Moments

True love doesn't always consist of grand, cinematic gestures. In fact, it's often the little things that mean the most when you're in a long-term relationship. Spending a lazy morning together, helping each other get through a bad day, and even assembling furniture side-by-side can end up producing some amazing memories. Artist Philippa Rice designed a whimsical illustration book called Soppy to zero in on these little, love-filled moments.

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December 3, 2015

Shockingly Hyperrealistic Sculpture of Frida Kahlo by Kazuhiro Tsuji

Japanese artist Kazuhiro Tsuji's hyperrealistic technique, learned while he was in the film industry, renders portraits that emote a profound sense of soul to viewers. His latest creation is a larger than life depiction of Mexico's famous Frida Kahlo. Known for her stunningly expressive self-portraits that captured pain and loss in her life, Tsujji's recreation does her memory justice.

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