Spanning over 30 years, Swiss artist Felice Varini has been mesmerizing viewers with his anamorphic illusions. The artist, who resides in Paris, displays his illusionary work in both private and public spaces. The urban paintings require a specific point of view to visualize the geometric shapes he creates as a continuous whole. From any other standpoint, the piece is fragmented and may not align properly.
Varini's works appear effortless, often employing simple shapes like circles and lines. However, there is far more discipline and meticulous work put into the uninterrupted flow of each geometric entity. One of Varini's most impressive illusions, which can be seen below, depicts a series of circles across a neighborhood of houses. When looked at from a slightly off angle, one takes notice of the number of disconnected curved lines abstractly painted across the residences.
There are so many fantastic illusions by Varini that it's difficult to choose only a handful to present. Between his anamorphic paintings and his suspended installations, the artist has found several ways to boggle the mind and delight the spectator who spots the perfect viewpoint, where everything aligns. The bulk of the Varini's illusionary works can be viewed on his website where he continues to keep a visual timeline of his projects.
Felice Varini website
via [whudat]