From the air, looking down on the vast landscapes of earth is like seeing an abstract painting filled with lights, darks, and geometric shapes. Artist Luc Busquin has created a series of black and white Airborne photographs, in which he features creative aerial shots of the land across North America. Mountain peaks and valleys are transformed into textured patterns of lines, snowy fields mimic the interlocking circuits on a digital chip, and rivers snake across the frame like squiggly lines of white paint.
As a professional pilot, Busquin has the luxury of witnessing the world from high above. Through his photographs, he brings that beauty down to earth for the rest of us to see. He says, “I've always had a passion for the sky. With aerial photography, my goal is to filter out the presence of the aircraft to create a view of the sky free of the machines needed to take us there. Whether on land or in the air, my images depict the relationship between the world above us and the land below.” While soaring overhead and in his own space, Busquin creates a new universe of imagery in which nothing is as it seems and everything can be viewed in new and unexpected ways.