Loveman is a charming series by Amsterdam-based photographer Maurice Heesen that explores the lengths that men will go to for love. Each frame in the collection features a different man at a separate stage of his life and at varying intervals of his affection, though all are fitted in the same superhero outfit–a white jumpsuit with a giant red heart on the chest, a cape, and a helmet.
Though at first the images seem lighthearted and whimsical, Heesen tells us that the series is inspired by heartache and “the difficulty in continuing to listen to your heart and trust it, while it's often proven wrong.” The photographer, who took careful consideration of every element of the series, adds, “The cape is a combination of superhero and stuntman. When you continue to follow your heart, no matter what, you are both, in my opinion. Though, it's the choice which makes you a superhero/stuntman. It's not about a person but about an attitude. Therefore anyone can be Loveman.”
As for what Heesen hopes viewers take away from his series about love, he says, “I like viewers to make up their own story about what they see in my pictures. Imagination is an important ingredient for an interesting life. If you ask me for my interpretation, then it is about not giving up on the search for love. Even though the road can be very bumpy.”