Located in southern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Leaf House by Mareines + Patalano Arquitetura is perfectly suited for the hot and humid climate where it stands. The roof acts as a big leaf that protects the enclosed spaces of the home from the hot sun.
With no corridors, the inside and outside of the Leaf House almost appear to be fused. The verandas and the in-between open spaces allow trade winds from the sea to pass trough the building, providing natural ventilation and passive cooling. Rain water is harvested from the roof for re-use.
The architects see the design as low-tech eco-friendly solution that has the greatest impact. When designing the tropical beach house, the architects sought to enhance the interaction between man and nature, instead of separating them completely.
Mareines + Patalano Arquitetura's website
via [World Architecture News], [Homedsgn]