If you love Audrey Kawasaki as much as we here at theMET do, you don't want to miss this show she's putting together with 24 of her friends! Group Show Curated by Audrey Kawasaki featuring: Audrey Kawasaki | Stella Im Hultberg | Amy Sol | Kukula | Brandi Milne | Brian Viveros | Catherine Brooks | Mari Inukai Nomi Chi | Lauren Albert | Jessica McCourt | Julia Sonmi Heglund | Eveline Tarunadjaja | Meg Hunt | Irana Douer Catherine Campbell | Lilly Piri | Amy Earles | Eric Thomas Bostrom | Joao Ruas | Laura Laine Jason Levesque aka Stuntkid | Fumi Nakamura | Travis Louie | Liza Corbett Opening Reception: 11/7/08 Friday 7p-11p Where: ThinkSpace Show will run from 11/7-11/29 but let's try and catch the opening reception!
Thinkspace Art Gallery 4210 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90029 (323) 913-3375 Map Sneak Peek on Flickr