Posts by Elizabeth Beiser

Elizabeth Beiser

Elizabeth Beiser is a Contributing Writer and Project Coordinator at My Modern Met. She has a background in American Cultural History with a special focus on Modern art and democratic community building. She received her B.A. in history, with a minor in Studio Arts, and her M.A. in history from the University of Rochester. She has worked on multiple political campaigns, as well as in non-profit operations and direct service. When she’s not writing, she’s experimenting with all varieties of arts and crafts. She also enjoys spending time with four-legged friends and exploring her hometown of Boston.
May 10, 2024

NASA Space Telescope Discovers Its First Starless Rogue Planet

We usually think of planets in terms of solar systems; planets are pulled into orbit around stars like the Earth orbits the Sun. In recent years, scientists have begun to discover rogue planets that are essentially free floating in space. These planets are hard to find, but NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) discovered one while searching for exoplanets in space. Somehow, rogue planets managed to escape revolving around a much larger star.

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April 30, 2024

Broaden Your Creative Skills and Save Big With Our Abstract Painting Bundle

Whether it's Claude Monet‘s impressionist landscapes, Hilma Af Klint‘s mystical visual imagery or Jackson Pollock‘s drip paintings, chances are you love at least one artist who uses abstraction in their work. If you've been searching for inspiration to push your self as an artist, or even to try your hand at painting for the first time, consider My Modern Met Academy‘s Abstract Painting Bundle.

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April 18, 2024

Mesmerizing Image of Black Hole in the Milky Way Shows Spiraling Magnetic Field

Black holes are points in space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, not even light. They are intriguing mysteries to astronomers and science-fiction fans alike. Thanks to the work of an international collaboration, we're one step closer to better understanding exactly how black holes work. And the more we know about them, the more we can unravel about the history of our own little galaxy, the Milky Way.

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March 27, 2024

Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found Weighed as Much as an Adult Man

John Deason was the son of a fisherman. Much like his future business partner Richard Oates, a fellow tin miner, he was not seen to be destined for future greatness. Yet in 1851, an Australian Gold Rush that started in New South Wales changed both of their fates. Hundreds of thousands of prospectors immigrated to the country hoping to be among the lucky ones to discover gold.

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