
August 1, 2019

Surreal Photo Mash-Ups Cleverly Merge Animals with Food

Photo manipulation artist Ronald Ong creates surreal image mashups that cleverly merge animals with food and other unexpected items. From a zebra mixed with a stack of Oreos (aptly titled “ZEBREO”) to a fox with a loaf of bread for a body (“LOAFOX”), Ong’s portfolio of strange, animal hybrids look like they’re straight out of a delicious dream.

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July 22, 2019

Adventure Video Game Lets Players Explore an Open World as a Cat

If you’ve ever wanted to see the world from a cat’s perspective, developer Eric Blumrich has created an open world video game that lets you do just that. Set on a remote island of Maine, Peace Island is a story-driven adventure game where players become cats that must work together to secure their future. The game begins with a group of nine cats (Boy, Gary, Calinaigh, Anin, Girl, Zack, Ronan, Sushi, and Elizabeth)

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July 11, 2019

Beautiful Silver Cat Sisters Share the Most Mesmerizing Green Eyes

You can’t help but get lost in the eyes of cat siblings Xafi and Auri. The two Russian Blue felines have bright green eyes that shine like jewels with their silver coats. This mesmerizing combination steals the focus of any photo they’re in, but the duo doesn’t let their beauty hide the fact that they’re silly, too. The bonded pair regularly stick their tongues out for the camera or even point them at each other.

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