Art History

April 10, 2023

Learn How Color Theory Can Push Your Creativity to the Next Level

Color is one of the seven elements of art and one of the first things we learn in school. Understanding the basic primary colors and how they blend is an activity found in most elementary school classrooms, but that’s just one piece of a much larger field known as color theory. Used by painters, graphic designers, interior decorators, and anyone working in visual culture, color theory is an essential part of any creative’s toolkit.

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April 6, 2023

Spot the Self-Portrait: How Many Famous Artists Can You Identify? [Quiz]

Throughout the history of art, many artists have turned to self-portraits as a means of expression. For some artists, like Frida Kahlo, the self-portrait is an important part of their artistry and a way to express their emotions. But this type of painting is nothing new. From the Renaissance to Cubism, artists have always looked to themselves as models. So what better way to test your familiarity with art than this fun self-portrait quiz?

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March 28, 2023

Florida Principal Fired for Showing Michelangelo’s ‘David’ in Class Is Invited to Italy

Michelangelo's David is one of the most famous sculptures in history and an iconic representation of the Renaissance. But recently, it's become the center of controversy at a Florida charter school. An image of the marble statue was shown to sixth-grade students during a required lesson on Renaissance art at the Classical School in Tallahassee. Subsequently, several parents complained that they hadn't been made aware that the image would be shown in class.

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